| Nancy M. Gulliksen can be reached at 843-873-4668--you can leave a voice mail here--your call will be returned. You can also email Nancy at nanbmurdock@yahoo.com anytime.
In 1990 in Hingham, MA, I opened a "new age" bookstore and did astrology readings for people on the side. The name of my little store was called "Queen of Cups." This is the name of a Queen in the Tarot deck. She represents intuition, compassion, the flow of emotions and a nurturing character. It is what I aspired to be for my clients. After two years, my astrology practice kept me so busy that I was able to let go of the retail side of the business and do readings full-time. I want to thank all of those first brave clients who patronized my shop and eventually the thousands of people and scores of students who have trusted me over the years to give them clear trends and timing about their astrological maps, and the chance to, perhaps, help each person to understand their life better from this special perspective.
Astrology can let me open the book of "who" you are and "where" you are in your life, currently. |