Each of the following is 90 minutes in duration unless otherwise stated:
As of January 1, 2025, Current pricing is as follows: - Natal Chart—($135.00) Personality profile, life pattern and current trends.
- Transits—($135.00) Included in the above (current trends) and can be done alone.
- Solar Return—($140.00) A chart done in a given year when the sun comes back to exactly where it was at the moment of birth—shows the timing and trends in any given year month to month—read as a natal chart but for only one year of life, typically done on or near ones birthday.
- Progressed Chart—($150.00) Shows inner progress of person; how the chart has moved on inner currents, which are reflected in the outer reality.
- Synastry—($150.00) Comparing two or more charts for compatibility.
- Composite Chart—($150.00) Combining two natal charts together and finding the mean information to create a new chart which is the potential “personality” of the relationship. Transits can also be done for this sort of chart profile to see where the relationship may be headed or how it may be affected by currents trends energetically.
- Mundane Astrology--($135.00) A look at worldly issues, historically, politically, or environmentally.
- Horary—($135.00) Information about a question drawn at the time of asking.
- Past Life Trends—($135.00) Nodal chart which hints at where one has been and a directional arrow which states where one is trying to go in the current incarnation.
- Arabian Parts—($135.00) Mathematical equations which find sensitive points on the chart regarding all manner of interest connected to important events in one’s life, and how these may be activated.
- Asteroids—($135.00) The main asteroids astrologically: Chiron, Vesta, Juno, Pallas-Athene, and Ceres can be looked at to add subtleties to the mix of one’s chart of planetary information.
- Natal Chart Recorded on CD—($105.00) One hour in duration monologue for those who don’t need or are unable to have a dialogue.
- Astrocartography—($150.00) The ability to see the compatibility between an individual and a place, by comparing one’s chart to a city’s , town’s, state’s or country’s own chart, if the birth information is available for each.